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Penguin Select Classics: Crime And Punishment

“Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery.”

What happens when paramount self-belief leads to self-destruction. Raskolnikov’s is a student who believes he has the responsibility of using evil means to bring good to people; thereby committing murders.

As Raskolnikov is chased by a relentless investigator, his conscience starts to haunt him, tightening the grip of guilt. Amidst this turmoil, only Sonya, a marginalized sex worker, holds the key to his salvation.

Ultimately, Raskolnikov’s path leads him to a profound reckoning. Through suffering and self-realization, Raskolnikov discovers the true nature of happiness and the power of accepting and reciprocating love.

Crime and Punishment stands as a testament to Dostoevsky’s unparalleled ability to explore the depths of the human psyche, the complexities of truth, guilt, and the search for redemption.

Penguin Select Classics: Wuthering Heights

‘He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.’

Set on the moors and based on two households, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, it’s a story of love, passion, and the fear of isolation.

A poor boy, Heathcliff is rescued from the shackles of poverty and is taken in by Mr Earnshaw. He soon develops an intense relationship with his gaurdian’s daughter, Catherine. But her real brother, Hindley detests Heathcliff to the extent that he manipulates her to marry someone else.

Separated by fate but connected by heart, Catherine and Heathcliffe long to be together, uniting in a supernatural realm. Their relationship as lovers and with the others impacts everyone’s lives for
generations to come.

How long can their love last amidst the constant feelings of jealousy, vengeance and hatred? Will the residents of Wuthering Heights find a way to heal?

Penguin Select Classics: Great Expectations

“I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.”

Pip, a blacksmith’s apprentice goes from humble beginnings in the marshes of Kent to the bustling streets of Victorian London. A chance encounter with the escaped convict Magwitch sets off a series of events that lead Pip to the eccentric Miss Havisham and her captivating ward, Estella.

In his pursuit of becoming a gentleman to win Estella’s affection, Pip grapples with his own self-worth and the impact of his humble origins.

Pip must unravel the complexities of his own identity and in the bustling 19th century London his idealistic ambitions are threatened by dominating class difference.

Charles Dickens’ riveting and thought-provoking novel raises profound questions about human worth and the pursuit of success in a rapidly changing world.

Penguin Select Classics: The Diary Of A Young Girl

“I’ve found that there is always some beauty left—in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.’

Anne begins her diary entries at the age of thirteen in June 1942, recording all her experiences until August 1944. All people have the right to freedom, but Anne wasn’t sure that idea included her. During WWII, Anne and her family were forced to go into hiding like many other Jews.

Vivid snippets of two years of living in an annexe, without seeing the sun, are journalled by Anne. From their bones dwindling to her emotional growth all is reflected in her writings. She writes of her passion for literature and art, her desire to travel, the struggles of family ties in hiding: showing her incredible emotional resilience.

How does she keep her spirits alive through imagination, hold onto the hopes of free life, when they weren’t allowed to bring attention to themselves?

Penguin Select Classics: Black Beauty

“We shall all have to be judged according to our works, whether they be towards man or towards beast.”

The heartfelt story of Black Beauty is a remarkable testament to the power of compassion and resilience.

Black Beauty begins his journey as a cherished young horse, content and loved. However, one day he gets sold and becomes subject to various owners, some kind-hearted and others cruel. Sometimes he led elegant carriages, then pulled humble cabs. Black Beauty adapted to his roles with unwavering determination.

Through his eyes, readers witness the depths of both human cruelty and compassion.

On his extraordinary journey, Black Beauty endures hardship, discovers love, and ultimately finds solace in the embrace of a compassionate soul.

Penguin Select Classics: The Invisible Man

“Perhaps to lose a sense of where you are implies the danger of losing a sense of who you are.”

Griffin, an ingenious research scientist, develops a process that can render physical objects invisible. He successfully performs the experiment on himself, but soon realises that it is impossible to survive oblivious to the world and all those that matter to him.

This invisible man is now desperate to reverse the process. Will Griffin be able to become visible again? Or his obsession for invisibility will result in his doom?

Considered to be a pioneer of science fiction, this novel explores the deep and unresolved ideas of science vs the universal power, the extent of human mind and the dangers of being swept by the mind’s wickedness. The Invisible Man warns about the destructive effects science can have if not practiced with limits on the human desires.

A relevant story, especially in the age of artificial intelligence.

Penguin Select Classics: The Beautiful And Damned

“It happens that I want you, and so I just haven’t room for any other desires.”

The most glittering orbs have the sharpest edges, and the most shinning lives the darkest truths.

Anthony Patch is a Harvard-educated, aspiring socialite. Gloria Gilbert is a beautiful but narcissistic dancer living in New York. Stunned by Gloria’s beauty, Anthony falls in love with her; and they are soon married. Gloria is a reveller who wants the fine life, and Anthony a spoilt brat who doesn’t want to work in life.

The passionate and glamorous couple await Anthony’s inheritance, till they run out of money and the joy in each other’s company. What happens as their marriage begins to fail in the face of reality? Will they be able to make the life they want or their laziness will be the crux of their falling.

Fitzgerald weaves a reminder of the follies of human ambition set against lots of glamor, jazz music, cigars and glittery gowns. This story is a grown-up fairy-tale with realities of the hustle looming nearby.

Penguin Select Classics: Pride And Prejudice

‘But people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever.’

A sensitive story about the loves and lives of the five Bennet sisters, especially Elizabeth Bennet the unusual heroine. Elizabeth is neither too pretty nor too talented but has a strong sense of self; it was fireworks when she met Mr. Darcy who finally clashed with someone as strong-willed as him.

Mrs Bennet wants to marry her daughters off and devises schemes to set them up with prosperous men at the ball hosted by the Bingley family. All her daughters find love, but not the easiest route to marriage.

Their journeys take them through unexpected betrayals and surprises. As life pits Darcy and Elizabeth against each other, Darcy is the saviour at every turn squashing every reason for Elizabeth’s hesitance. Can Elizabeth overcome her pride to seek love?

Penguin Select Classics: The Great Gatsby

‘Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.’

Jay Gatsby, a former army lieutenant, lives lavishly in a mansion on the Long Island shore. He appeared from nowhere, with no family history. His wealth caused envy in the old families of affluent New York, who thought they owned the American dream.

Gatsby hosted extravagant parties every weekend, yet no guest could claim they’d seen the infamous Mr. Gatsby.

He seems he has everything that’s desired, but Gatsby is lonelier than others know, longing for a conquest that is most unattainable: Daisy Buchanan, the ultimate desire for the dream life he plans.

Daisy, married to Tom but in love with Gatsby, knows she is a dream he desires, but is afraid of losing rank.

Love, wealth, and dreams are at crossheads in Gatsby’s glamourous world, will Daisy hold his hand, will he be able to save the dream?

Penguin Select Classics: Northanger Abbey

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”

Catherine Morland is a seventeen-year-old romantic at heart, fond of reading Gothic novels. One weekend she is invited by friends to spend a season in Bath, and for the first time participates in glamorous balls unique to the nineteenth century London lifestyle.

So it happens, at one ball she meets the intriguing and wealthy Henry Tilney, her over-active imagination leads her to expect dramatic twists at every turn.

However, the truth turns out to be far more complicated and lot more mundane; and love happens to be a lot simpler than her novel obsessed young heart had imagined. Will the reality be a disappointment or sweet relief for her? Young Catherine goes through many self-induced trials to learn the simple lesson of life.