While your friends in real life might not be out there saving the world, fighting evil, scamming tourists or solving mysteries- rest assured that your fictional friends will always take you on an unforgettable adventure. This International Friendship Day, we are celebrating fictional friendships that you will cherish forever.
Julian Kee and his friends from the Prophecy of the Underworld series

We met the gang in Book 1 – Prophecy of the Underworld where Julian led his friends into the Underworld to retrieve a magical rock that can save their world. This fast-paced adventure is full of exciting twists and turns.

In Book 2 – The Library of No Return, Julian and his friends Mia and Ryan return for yet another hilarious and adventure-filled jaunt to the Underworld where their help is required to deal with a crisis.

In Book 3 – The Twin Blades of Doom, the gang is set to save the Underworld a third time. The fun, laughter and adventure continue in the third and final book of the series Julain tries to make a plan that can resolve the problems of the Underworld once and for all.
Maya, Chong and Rohan from Frappes for Three

A story of an unlikely trio whose paths cross at university where they become good friends. Maya wants to become a writer, Chong is a stylish fashionista who wants to make her mark on the fashion world and Rohan comes from a middle-class family and the pressure of making something of himself. While each has their own dreams and aspirations, they also have to deal with family expectations. What helps most in such situations? Having close friends! This is a story of love, loss and self-discovery where no matter what happens, these friends are always going to be there for each other.
Nathan, Junie and Sachin from The Fraught Lives of Nathan Kwan and Lapsang Souchong

Cousins Nathan and Junie along with their friend Sachin are labeled as bookish nerds by the popular kids in their school. However, when a new student Aida, who is glamourous and fashionable befriends them, their popularity also goes up. Sounds like a sweet high school drama, doesn’t it? But when Nathan’s beloved cat goes missing the gang reunites in search of it and discovers that their quaint neighborhood is hiding dark secrets. The story merges the charm of old-school mystery, adventure and folklore; with complex Millennial characters.
Carmen, Hai and Marina from Hue City

Carmen, a twenty-five-year-old college dropout; Marina, a wealthy Singaporean yearning for a new life and love along with Hai, a receptionist, tout and part-time pimp together make up the notorious Ativan Gang. They are scammers who befriend tourists so they can drug them and rob them. Now, for some friends group activities involve going to the movies, having dinner or having picnics together but for Carmen, Hai and Marina it’s all about achieving their goals one way or another.
Keix, Zej, Pod and Vin from The Night of Legends and The Light of Stars
Friends are always meant to have your back and get you out of bad situations and these books are all about that.

In The Night of Legends Keix is rescued from an underground prison by her friends Zej and Pod and is determined to rescue her best friend Vin. Her captor is the very organisation that she had joined as a trainee soldier as a teenager. Keix, who is dealing with memory loss recovers thanks to the care given to her friends and sets off on a journey to figure out what exactly is going down in this organisation.

In The Light of Stars, the friends are back together to defend each other and take revenge for all the misdoings from the past. We love a story of friends coming together to save and protect each other.
Did you find any friendship story that tugged at your heartstrings? Get your copies now.