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The Library of No Return

Low Ying Ping
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The Library of No Return brings back Julian Kee, Mia Pendrago and Ryan Chowdhury in yet another hilarious and adventure-filled jaunt to the Underworld. Once again, their help is required to deal with a crisis: Tago the Ef-frock has announced that he is tired of his powers being constantly exploited. He has now gone rogue, and is threatening to unleash his magic to destroy all who oppose him if he is not given world dominance.

The wise old man, Wuchiwark, believes that the Underworlders’ only hope is an ancient parchment rumoured to contain a formula which will help them find a balance to the Effrock’s hitherto unchallenged powers. This parchment is stored in the Library of No Return, a mysterious place from which no one who entered has ever emerged. The children agree to undertake this quest in secret, as their old nemesis the CATTSS (the ruling council of the Underworld) has forbidden anyone to enter the library, and will go all out to stop the children from obtaining this sacred relic. As the children embark on their new adventure, they soon realise that all is not as it seems, and they begin to wonder if there is more to the parchment than Wuchiwark has revealed to them, and, more crucially, if their enemy this time is not the CATTSS, but really Wuchiwark himself.

This instalment continues the series’ witty banter on fantasy and adventure tropes while being a delightful spoof on bookish habits and all things writerly!

Published: Jul/2023

ISBN: 9789815127089

Length: 224 Pages

The Library of No Return

Low Ying Ping

The Library of No Return brings back Julian Kee, Mia Pendrago and Ryan Chowdhury in yet another hilarious and adventure-filled jaunt to the Underworld. Once again, their help is required to deal with a crisis: Tago the Ef-frock has announced that he is tired of his powers being constantly exploited. He has now gone rogue, and is threatening to unleash his magic to destroy all who oppose him if he is not given world dominance.

The wise old man, Wuchiwark, believes that the Underworlders’ only hope is an ancient parchment rumoured to contain a formula which will help them find a balance to the Effrock’s hitherto unchallenged powers. This parchment is stored in the Library of No Return, a mysterious place from which no one who entered has ever emerged. The children agree to undertake this quest in secret, as their old nemesis the CATTSS (the ruling council of the Underworld) has forbidden anyone to enter the library, and will go all out to stop the children from obtaining this sacred relic. As the children embark on their new adventure, they soon realise that all is not as it seems, and they begin to wonder if there is more to the parchment than Wuchiwark has revealed to them, and, more crucially, if their enemy this time is not the CATTSS, but really Wuchiwark himself.

This instalment continues the series’ witty banter on fantasy and adventure tropes while being a delightful spoof on bookish habits and all things writerly!

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Paperback / Hardback

Low Ying Ping

Low Ying Ping is the author of the Mount Emily novels, a middle grade/young adult fantasy series featuring time travel and friendship. The first book, Mount Emily, was shortlisted for the Hedwig Anuar Children's Book Award 2018 and the second book, Mount Emily Revisited, won the Singapore Book Awards 2017 in the Middle Grade/Young Adult category. Three of the books have also been shortlisted for Singapore's Popular Readers' Choice Awards. Mount Emily was also selected for inclusion in the National Arts Council of Singapore's Read Our World: SingLit Book Gift for Schools.
She has also written an English adaptation of the Chinese classic, Journey to the West, for children aged 7-10 years old. Her short story, 'The Age When Magic Begins', won second prize in the British Fantasy Society's short story competition 2018. Her poems and critical essay have appeared in Singa, the journal of the National University of Singapore Centre for the Arts and QLRS (Quarterly Literary Review Singapore). She holds a Master's degree in English Literature from the University of Warwick, UK.

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